Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
E-Commerce and E-Business Strategies
Question: Fundamentally assess the adequacy of a scope of existing online business locales. Fundamentally assess online business execution advancements. Build up a powerful online business webpage to suit a given situation. Investigate, assess and ponder e-Business components. Fundamentally think about fruitful web based business and e-business methodologies. Answer: The purchasing and selling of merchandise and enterprises is known as online business. In U.S, the web based business is very much investigated. According to insights the anticipated deals through web based business will surpass $430 billion by 2017 in U.S. To keep up this progression of pay, the web based business locales ought to remember some additional highlights for their destinations and usefulness that shoppers will consider now of time. . As of late, the viable web based business locales are pulling in the purchasers by changing over the clients to online clients (Babin, 2007). The highlights of successful online locales are: The highlights of powerful online destinations are: Fast burden times-According to a review we can see that half of the clients feel miserable in the web based buying because of its moderate stacking pace and they forsake the webpage. In U.S if there is 2 seconds delay happens at the hour of exchange the clients forsake the site. This rates in U.S is alt ogether higher than some other nations on the planet. So the powerful online business locales who are fruitful knows the gadget and the program their purchaser use to shop and configuration destinations that is the reason they give food time a quick burden time and they get fulfillment during their transaction(Aubert, M. what's more, Gusev, A. 2008). Convenience Every web based business destinations ought to be planned so that it will be simpler for the customers to see their item data without confronting any issue. Through an examination, we came to know how they explores a few internet business destinations for their particular brands. The item classifications are structured so that will mirror the looked through things they need to discover. The item which is recently transferred in the site ought to be see first which makes a decent fascination towards the buyers and it likewise supports the client in an arrival visit. The historical backdrop of as of late saw things ought to li kewise be remembered for the web based business locales. Exact Product. Portrayal The web based business locales ought to take out the contrasts between its data and the truth of the item (Fazlollahi, 2002). Each great internet business locales give depiction and determination with exact portrayal so no difficult happens at the hour of exchange Seamless Checkout Experience - For finishing the exchange the powerful web based business destinations help the clients by wiping out the obstacles in the requesting the procedure. These days the online retailers furnish login with facebook a simpler technique than the rest. The clients are sent notices with messages and messages in the customer's telephone. Clear Policies The successful online business destinations conjecture their offers and guarantees. The site has made a space for clients to visit and watch on them. The ascent of financial and condition because of quick industrialisation is the fasted recorded human development in the history. This period is the times of tablets and cell phones which are giving an actual existence to internet business and shopping basket programming (Hanke, 2009). Internet business is changing yet the speed of changing of web based business is extremely quick than previously. These days with the assistance of shopping programming, we can undoubtedly contrast the items and different items in versatile s or tablets with no need of physical examination and the items are effectively sent and disperse. Numerous shoppers are begun purchasing remote stuffs from the new sites, this shows customers are going internationally for purchasing and selling merchandise. As the shoppers began purchasing items all around, this is th e defeat of numerous neighborhood and residential traders. So they additionally began selling items abroad in the wake of doing an appropriate study of the market (Babin, S. 2007) Thus, internet business helps the neighborhood and local merchants to sell their items all around and these sellers are the enormous champs. The expanding number of individuals utilizing the web by means of tablets and Smartphone for different reason and making a buy which makes the internet business webpage versatile inviting. The locales which don't work appropriately with the assistance of mobiles will lose guests, clients just as income and those which function admirably in versatile, are the gainer. As per 2015, 25% of versatile online deals have expanded. Due to manyonline stores coming in the market video based showcasing framework areintroduced which an in-store will understanding for the purchasers who will prompt higher discussion and progressively online stores will be createdand they will likewise give video conferencing to them. Socialnetworking administration will develop increasingly well known as it assists with imparting and offer data. The nearness of long range interpersonal communication encourages the e-commercebusiness to flourish and different business will fall May, 2000. One of the incredible methods of selling is online narrating. The internet business sellers as first as conceivable they canadapt this procedure of narrating, they will see the higher deals chart and the individuals who can't embrace they will remain in reverse. One ofthe future advertising is the specialty based substance focusing on that will gainmomentum in the market.On the rundown of online business retailer organizations Amazon is a brand name the organization offers limits to clients whichattract numerous and adds bit of leeway to it (Ecommercedevelopment, 2000). Its drawing in approach which states to offer peoplewhich they can't decline makes it a major name. Amazon mainlyfocuses on client situated requirements and in this way making it more famousamong the clients and accordingly expanding their hang available with expanding measure of Internet clients. The association extend it benefits in the overall market with little speculation. So beingan internet business carries an additional bit of leeway to the association to run in various nations with better administrations to the clients. Amazon is where the clients can discover anything at a lowestpossible cost which helps in drawing in more clients this is itself anpolicies which its current more on themarket as time passes the more attractive approaches increment the current more available as time passes the more the organization has his administration dated with quality items and better consumer loyalty the morecompany has its fairly estimated worth. The brand picture is made by E-Commerce and is bolstered by promotion and the web lately. Gigantic utilization of Internet makes it progressively acclaimed and is accessible to alter 24* 7with better client care (Pollentine, B. 2011). It picks up confidence on snappy conveyance of items each opportunity to the clients and by keeping from travellingto the shop and they can have their requested items simply sitting at home. Amazon's Moto is to skill the workers to give qualityservice to the client so the clients can encounter fulfillment. The issue looked by white collar class and poor family is purchasing the ideal items, yet online business lessens the expense of specific item and along these lines causes those families to purchase items from the webpage, in urban as well as in rivalry of giving best encounters on country territories likewise in it gains IT and web based business new companies and help themselves by utilizing existing advances of the procured accomplices effortlessly. EDI alludes to Electronic Data Interchange. Business framework utilizes electronic installments in view of its ease of use and efficient. In this manner help the business association to extend its market reach. Paperless fiscal exchange of the Mozart Mastercard check card and brilliant card electronic reserve moves the contrast among wholesalers and online retailer with the goal that the client can go to the retailer who purchases Kodak from them and an online retailer follows B2Bbusiness model which is first offering its item to transitional buyerwho then offers the item to the last client (Raisch W, 2001). The things utilized in B2B E-Commerce or gadgets transporting, product lodging, engine vehicles, and so forth where key advances are electronic information trade, the web, intranet extranet and backend data framework. The engineering model includes gracefully arranged Marketplace and middle of the road Marketplace. The B2C model expresses the sites all the business exchange happens between the business association and the client legitimately. Online business includes the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) in making trade among customers and association, association and association, or among purchasers and buyers. Internet business brings some new innovation and new capacities for business in the new age (Tuten, T. 2010). These days, these organizations promote their item on the web and purchasers purchase the item with the assistance of web. E-business technique alludes to botched chance for extra deals on the sell side and progressively effective buying on the purchasing side. Some of the time poor client even encounters from inadequately intergraded channels. There are a few open doors in the e-business that are expressed underneath for the most part, selling admirably web based, offering types of assistance to the organization and the capacity to analyze costs across various stages gives internet business outlets an advantage with customers, selling great w eb based, offering types of assistance to the plan of action. E-business made more noteworthy progress than some other plans of action. The fundamental element of this model needs to limit the expense of exchanges, bookkeeping, and so on if individuals are looking at the cost in the disconnected market in regard the online market, they should see that online market cost is low than a disconnected market. E-business follows the system of gracefully chain the board and email advertising. E-business utilizes the usefulness of flexibly affix the board that assists with planning wager
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
The Science of Sleep A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night
The Science of Sleep A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Thomas DekkerSleeping to some is one of the best things you can do while others just view it as a necessary distraction from other important things.Whatever you feel about it, you can’t escape sleep.Could you even do without it?Let’s examine the science of sleep and find out why we need to sleep, what happens when we sleep and figure out what are some ways that would help us sleep better every night.WHY WE NEED SLEEP?If you’ve been following the news and social media chatter recently, you have probably noticed the increasing focus on sleep.We’re constantly being bombarded with tips to sleep better and studies showing how much, where and when we should sleep.So, what’s behind this focus on sleep?Does it really matter how much you sleep and how you sleep?Three key purposes of sleepThe answer to those questions lies in the purpose of sleep.Essentially, sleep has three main functions and each of these purpose s hold a key to understanding why you definitely want to focus on sleeping better.The core key purposes of sleep are:Restoration. When you go about your day, your brain is hard at work. All those neurological reactions and actions accumulate metabolic waste in your brain. This might sound alarming â€" waste in my brain?! â€" but it is completely normal. However, too much of the waste could lead to neurological problems. According to research, the brain can get rid of metabolic waste and sleep is an important component in this. Although your brain does flush out some of the waste when you are awake, the clearance speeds up almost two-fold when you sleep. It’s no wonder we tend to feel so much fresher in the morning â€" your brain just dumped some garbage!Memory consolidation. Sleep is also essential for memory consolidation, which refers to your ability to maintain long-term memories. If you don’t sleep enough, your brain won’t be able to form concrete memories and emotional st ories.Metabolic health. Studies have also pointed out that sleep plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolic rhythm. When you get adequate sleep, your body is able to burn more fat and build muscle. When you don’t sleep, you increase your chances of insulin insensitivity and metabolic syndrome.The problem of not sleeping enoughAnother way of looking at the importance of sleep is by examining the effects of not sleeping.If your body and mind are able to benefit when you sleep, does improper sleep do damage?Lack of sleep is frankly harmful and by sacrificing your sleep, you’re not just giving up on having a proper rest, but you’re actually putting your physical and mental health at risk.To put it bluntly, lack of sleep hinders your brain ability to function. If you go on without sleeping for long periods, you’ll probably start suffering from symptoms like:GrumpinessGrogginessIrritabilityForgetfulnessShort-temperedIndeed, by skipping sleep for one night, you will lower your ability to concentrate.Your attention span shortens and you find yourself unable to focus.According to one study, by staying awake for 17 hours, you decrease your performance by the equivalent of having an alcohol blood level of 0.05%.Essentially, staying up for too long is the same as downing two glasses of wine!More alarmingly, continuous lack of sufficient sleep will deepen these problems and you’ll soon start doing more damage to your brain.Just as I mentioned sleeping has the function to improve your memory consolidating, lack of sleep will mean the parts responsible for memories are hindered.Your brain will have lowered its ability to control language, memories, planning and even sense of time is affected.Studies have pointed out that sleep loss is a major factor in the following problems and diseases:Memory problemsMetabolic disordersCardiovascular diseaseCertain cancersObesity and type 2 diabetesQuite frankly, lack of sleep can cause serious damage to your physical he alth, but also influence your mood.The less you sleep, the more you might suffer from anxiety and other such problems.So, the purpose of sleep is to keep as healthier and happier.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE SLEEP?With all that in minds, sleep sounds like a magical journey â€" all the restoration and repair!What exactly is sleep and what does the body do to enjoy all of these benefits?Sleeping is a cycleSleeping is essentially a cycle â€" when you sleep you are performing the sleep-wake cycle. This cycle has two crucial parts:Slow wave sleep. The slow wave sleep is also known as deep sleep. During this wave, your body relaxes and goes to a renovating and repairing mode. Your brain is not as responsive to external stimuli any longer, making waking up difficult. You will have a regular breathing rhythm, your blood pressure drops and your pituitary glands start releasing growth hormone. The hormone stimulates tissue growth and helps muscles repair. There’s also some indication that your body ’s immune system repairs itself during this stage.REM sleep. REM, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement, is another part of the sleep-wake cycle. The cycle has similar effects to the above, but instead of repairing your body, you are repairing your mind. The brain becomes quiet during REM sleep. It clears irrelevant information, boosts your memory by creating neural connections and you even enhance your sleeping. The phase occurs in short bursts a few times during the night, during which your blood pressure goes up, your heart speeds up and your body temperature increases.As you can make out, both cycles are crucial for you. During one, your body is repairing while during the other you are improving your mental health.The five stages of sleepThe above is a great way to describe what happens during sleep and the restorative effect sleep has on your body and mind.But you can look deeper into the act of sleeping.If you do, you’ll find out that there are five stages of sleep, each wit h their unique purposes and functions.Doctor Diana L. Walcutt has outlined the five stages of sleep. The stages are determined by the brain waves that are active during each phase. This refers to the waves you’d see in an EEG or electro encephala graph. The five stages are:Stage One. The brain goes through the Alpha and Theta waves. These waves can happen even during the day, during a period we often refer to as ‘day-dreaming’. You can even practice the alpha waves during meditation. Slowly, you’ll start drifting towards theta, which is just a short period before we fall asleep.Stage Two. The second stage sees our brains produce rapid, short waves called sleep spindles. The body temperature drops and heart rate slows down.Stage Three. During stage three, your brain is creating deep and slow waves called delta waves. This is the transitional period of moving from light sleep to deep sleep.Stage Four. In the fourth sleep, you enter delta sleep. This is deep sleep and referred to as the slow wave sleep.Stage Five: REM. Finally, you have our friend REM sleep. Your voluntary muscles are actually paralyzed during this time, yet your brain is busy producing dreams.According to Dr Walcutt, the stages don’t always occur in the particular sequence and you might go through different stages more than once a night.But knowing these cycles can be important in enhancing your sleep â€" you want to ensure your body goes through enough stages to gain the benefits of the rejuvenating and recovering stages of REM and slow wave sleep.Circadian rhythm to dictate it allSo, how does this cycling happen?It’s actually something normal and our sleep cycles are determined by our individual biological cycles called circadian rhythm.The circadian rhythm essentially dictates when different biological events take place in your body during a day. You can see some example timings from the image below: Source: Lux Review post on circadian rhythmsThe pattern of circadian rhythm is not set in stone and individuals have some differences in terms of when they are in their deepest sleep or reducing the most cortisol.However, some elements of the rhythm can be influenced by factors â€" some of which you can control.Three main factors impact the biological rhythm:Light, which is perhaps the most influential of all three factors. If you stare at a bright light for 30-minuts, you will reset the circadian rhythm, even if you do this in the middle of the night. This is, generally, why the rising of the sun triggers the transition to a new biological function.Time, in terms of your daily schedule and routines. The tasks you do during the day and the specific time of day in which you do them has consequences on your sleep-wake cycle.Melatonin, which is the hormone that causes you to feel drowse. The normal production of it is very predictable it increases after dark and decreases right before dawn.HOW TO SLEEP BETTER?How do you sleep better?What does the above science of knowing how we sleep and what happens during sleep tell us about improving our sleep?Here are four categories for improving your sleep, with different tips on how to achieve just that.Improve how and when you fall asleepSince your sleep is dictated by your body’s biological rhythm, you need to ensure your tuned with the schedule.You essentially need to improve how and when you fall asleep.Finding the right time for sleeping is essentially about figuring your inner circadian clock. Now you should do this by listening to your body for a few weeks and keeping track of the signals it’s giving you.In the evening, monitor when you start feeling sleepy and test different bed times to figure out at what point do you seem the fall asleep the easiest.Do the same in the morning (as much as you can).Spend the weekend by going to sleep as soon as you feel like it and allowing your body to wake up naturally. Test different times and find the hours that seem most refreshing to your body.Although different people might find different sleeping times better, research does suggest we should be getting close to eight hours of sleep each night.If you find falling asleep problematic, seek out rituals that help you fall asleep.You don’t want to toss and turn in bed â€" you should fall into deep sleep within seven to ten minutes from going to bed.Some popular ways to fall asleep quicker include:Stop using electronics an hour before bedtime.Dim the lights.Have a warm bath, with added bath salts like Epsom salt.Drink warm milk.Meditate before falling asleepRead a book or listen to relaxing music.Indeed, there are different relaxation techniques you should use to improve your sleep cycle.Interestingly, research suggests that nearly half of all cases of insomnia are caused by stress.Therefore, you should consider figuring out a way to relax your body and mind before sleep to ensure you’re not filled w ith anxious thoughts.As mentioned already, meditation can work well. But you should also consider journaling, deep breathing or exercising a bit before your bedtime.Increase your sleep durationYou should also focus on improving the amount of time you sleep and ensuring you are able to go through the sleep-wake cycle without harmful interruptions.The first thing to do is to find the natural time for you to wake up. Now, this is not as easy in the modern world where you might have work and other such obligations to stop you from sleeping until you are happy.However, you can wake up at a set time, feeling better, if you just increase the amount of time you sleep.To do this, go to bed earlier, rather than change the time when you wake up. Furthermore, test your wakeup time as much as you can. It is possible even changing the clock by 15-minutes, you feel better.So, start sleeping earlier rather than just focusing on sleeping longer in the morning. You can find the best sleeping cycle by testing different durations and timings. You might require 9-hours of sleep between 10pm and 7am or you might feel the best when you sleep â€"hours from 12am to 9am.You might even feel happy with just 7-hours of sleep â€" no matter what time of night. Mix your sleeping around as much as possible and find the right amount of sleep for your body.You could also use an app that calculates your natural sleep cycle.Check out, for example, the review of one such app here: Enhance the quality of sleepBut sleep’s benefits don’t just come from the number of hours you sleep and the closeness of following your circadian rhythm. You also need to pay attention the quality of your sleep â€" the effectiveness of the sleep cycle.You should aim to boost the intensity of your sleep. The depth and quality of your sleep are directly linked to things like:Your diet â€" you need to eat healthier foods, such as vegetables and fruit. You also want to skip insulin-spiking foods like sugar and refined ca rbs close to your sleeping time.The lighting in the room â€" you also need to pay attention to the lighting. You need to have fewer lights when you’re trying to sleep and ensure you start your day with a dose of light to ensure circadian rhythm stays in motion.Your physical health â€" you can also improve the quality of sleep by exercising regularly. Exercise helps to add healthy doses of stress on the body and kick-starts the repair processes faster at night. You should avoid exercising at least three hours before you want to sleep, as otherwise you might find falling asleep tricky.The sleeping temperature â€" it’s also possible to improve the sleep-wake cycle with the room’s temperature. According to studies, the perfect room temperature for sleep is 18 to 24 Celsius (65 to 75 Fahrenheit).Implement healthy and sleep-boosting habitsOverall, you should adopt a few healthy and sleep-boosting habits.These can improve your ability to fall asleep and make it easier to stay asleep, guaranteeing your quality of sleep is good.The most effective sleep-boosting habits are:Spending enough time outdoors. Exposure to sunlight is important for sleep because it guarantees your circadian rhythm works properly and helps boost your mood.Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Caffeine can cause problems in the sleep cycle, along with alcohol and tobacco. You should consider avoiding tobacco altogether as it has been linked with sleep disorders in studies. With caffeine, you could still enjoy some; just make sure you leave enough time between having to sleep and drinking it. Alcohol â€" like many things in life â€" should be enjoyed only in moderation.Proper hydration. Your body needs water to repair itself overnight and you should drink enough water during the day to enjoy the refreshing benefits at night. If you find yourself waking up at night feeling thirsty or you are thirsty first thing in the morning, it might be a sign that you’re not hydrated enough. Increase y our water intake (just don’t leave it all right before bedtime!).Use bedroom just for sleeping and having sex. You should use your bedroom only for sleeping or having fun with your partner â€" working or doing many other things in the room can cause it to feel depressing and stressful. In addition, you should make your bed a smartphone, laptop and tablet-free zone. You definitely need to stop using the phone before you want to go to sleep.FINAL THOUGHTSWhen it comes to sleeping better, knowing the science behind your sleep can help.It gives you the understanding of the importance of sleep and how damaging it can be to your body and mind to not sleep enough.You’ll also understand the importance and function of the sleep cycles and you can use the information to create sleeping habits that improve your quality and the quantity of your sleep.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Vanity Of People A Beautiful Young Nymph - 897 Words
The vanity of people; particularly women, has been both ogled and criticized for centuries. Both Swift’s â€Å"A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed†and Keats’ â€Å"To A Lady Seen For A Few Moments At Vauxhall†utilize women s beauty as their focus. Each has a distinct tone and view of their subjects which is emphasized by the usage of language chosen by the poets. Swift’s repulsively worded mock heroic couplet differentiates itself from Keats soft sonnet. Despite both works sharing an alternating rhyme scheme, they create very dissimilar atmospheres. Swift s short but graphic lines compliment the harsh critique of the living condition of prostitutes in London to dismantle the illusion of what image is presented in public versus private, but Keats slow reminiscing emanates a melancholic image as he remembers his muse and broods on the passage of time. â€Å"A Beautiful Young Nymph†criticizes the reality of the artificialness of beauty and t he society that requires it in a comical fashion, while â€Å"A Lady Seen†prefers to remain in blissful ignorance and simply recounts the fond memories it brings the speaker of the poem in a more serious and personal manner. The humorous grossness of the flesh versus the fondness it brings. Vocabulary of a poem greatly impacts the tone and intentions the poet wants to express. Irony and mock verse is utilized by swift to assert his feelings of revulsion on certain aspects of the world. Swift was one of the many writers who championed the artShow MoreRelatedHow Does One Define Progress?1738 Words  | 7 Pagesbeings, but our society has overused the word so much that its definition has fallen into obscurity. Some define it as the pursuit of wellbeing; others imply that it is simply a manner through which one can quantify one’s priorities in life. To many people in the 18th century, progress took on this same notion of improvement and advancement. However, sat irist writers Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745), Alexander Pope (1688 – 1744), and William Hogarth (1697 – 1764) undermined the notion of progress in theirRead MoreNarcissistic Identity Identify With Conduct On Facebook1352 Words  | 6 Pagesgroup a more positive view of how social media might be. However, studies have linked social media use in young adults to various selfish behaviors in the development of taking photos of themselves and sharing photos on popular social media platforms. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children Are Affected By Child Abuse - 2052 Words
Stetzer 1 Shelby Stetzer Melissa Hrico English 101 10 December 2014 Child Abuse 6.3 million children are affected by child abuse each year. Of those 6.3 million children, only 3 million are investigated by child health care services. A report of child abuse is reports every ten seconds (â€Å"Child Abuse Statistics and Facts†). When people think of child abuse, many think of it as just physical bruises and broken bones. Although that most definitely is a huge part of child abuse, there are also many different kinds. Children can abused by neglect, sexually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Children all ages can suffer from child abuse, and the aggressor could be anyone; not just someone closely related to the child. Child abuse†¦show more content†¦Neglect can come in different forms. There can be physical, educational, emotional, or medical neglect. Physical neglect is basically not providing the child with the right necessities such as: water, food, safety, shelter. The list could go on, but those are just some of th e main points. Physical neglect can have lifelong effects on the child. The main ones that are most common are a serious illness and malnutrition (American Humane). Educational neglect is when the parent or guardian fails to enroll the child into an education program. The type of schooling does not matter. It can be home-schooling, Cyber School, private school, or public school. A failure of enrolling the child into some sort of education can effect that child’s basic life needs. The child’s growth and development will lack dramatically (â€Å"American Humane†). Emotional neglect is often the forgotten one, but one of the most serious. Emotional neglect can come from ignoring, verbally assaulting, terrorizing, and corrupting. Terrorizing can be threatening the child with an extreme punishment, or threatening them with something that you know they fear. Corrupting is exposing the child to destructive, and illegal activities. Emotional neglect can be one the most serious cases because it can affect the child for a lifetime. The child could suffer emotional, socially, physically, and can lead to thoughts of suicide (â€Å"American Humane†).
Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass Free Essays
Narrative in the Life Summaries In Peter Ripple’s essay â€Å"The Autobiographical Writings of Frederick Douglass,†he states that, â€Å"The Narrative signaled Douglass’ emergence as a committed abolitionist and suggests his developing intellectual skills during those early years of freedom†(135). Ripley describes throughout his essay how Douglass started as a slave, fought for his freedom, became an average lecturer, and In the end became, â€Å"Ambitious and Intellectually curious†¦ Eating reform literature, participating In concussions and absorbing the lectures of his associates†(136). Ripley describes Douglass’ early lectures as intellectual because of how long he had been a slave, using â€Å"plantation dialect†(136). We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass or any similar topic only for you Order Now Early on, Douglass got the image that he wasn’t an actual slave. So, he started to write about his slave experiences, giving names and dates to all the things that had happened to him to give himself authentication and to knock out some of the rumors about him and his past. One of Douglass’ biggest critics was a man by the name of A. C. C. Thompson, who wrote that he had known â€Å"the recent slave by the name of Frederick Bailer (138) trying to disprove all of Douglass’ firsthand accounts. Douglass responds to the statements by describing his time as a slave and explaining that without those experiences there was no way that he would’ve been able to write The Narrative in the Life. Ripley then goes on to explain how writing The Narrative was a major sign of Douglass’ growth and maturity. This essay explains how Douglass transformed from slave to balloonists then on to haring his Life experiences by lecturing and educating others. In â€Å"Narration, Authentication and Authorial Control in Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of 1845†by Robert B. Step argues that Douglass’ narrative is successful because of his intellectual independence. Step explains how impressive it is for an uneducated slave to get out of slavery and in turn become somewhat of an educator. With that he states, â€Å"The strident, moral voice of the former slave†¦ Is the single most Impressive feature of a slave narrative†(146). He then breaks down the narrative Into three different parts. The first phase, he calls the â€Å"basic†or â€Å"eclectic narrative†(147) referring to the relevance of a slave narrative. Secondly, he believes the text involves an integration of voices because the slave narratives do not rely on the white writers input but simply their own words and explanations. For the third part, he breaks it down into two deferent parts. First, he defines a â€Å"generic narrative†which is a â€Å"narrative of discernible genre†(147). Secondly he describes an â€Å"authenticating reiterative†(148) that he describes as a narrative that â€Å"becomes an authenticating document for others, usually generic texts†(149). He describes Douglass’ narrative as primitive because of the â€Å"dynamic energy (149) which Step calls his narrative an advanced text. Step then analyzes Douglass’ strengths in writing and says that he has â€Å"explicitly authenticated what is conventionally a white Northerners validating text†(157) and that his writing shows his level of literacy, even though being a slave slave narratives down further into categories. How to cite Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass, Essays
Friday, April 24, 2020
Stalin and the USSR Essay Example For Students
Stalin and the USSR Essay 1879-1953, Russian revolutionary, head of the USSR(1924-53). A Georgian cobblers son namedDzhugashvili, he joined the Social-Democratic partywhile a seminarian and soon became a professionalrevolutionary. In the 1903 party split (see BOLSHEVISMAND MENSHEVISM) he sided with LENIN. Stalinattended party congresses abroad and worked in theGeorgian party press. In 1912 he went to St. Petersburg,where he was elected to the partys central committee. About this time he took the name Stalin (man of steel). His sixth arrest (1913) led to four years of Siberian exile. We will write a custom essay on Stalin and the USSR specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION of March 1917, hejoined the editorial board of the party paper Pravda. When the Bolsheviks took power (Nov. 1917) he becamepeoples commissar of nationalities. He also played animportant administrative role in the civil war (1918-20). In1922 Stalin was made general secretary of the party. Lenin, before he died in 1924, wrote a testament urgingStalins removal from the post because of his arbitraryconduct; but in the struggle to succeed Lenin, Stalinwas victorious. By 1927 he had discarded his erstwhileallies BUKHARIN, KAMENEV, and ZINOVIEV; in 1929TROTSKY, his major rival for the succession, was exiledfrom the USSR. Forcible agricultural collectivization andbreakneck industrialization began in 1928. The state,instead of withering away, as Marx had foreseen, wasglorified. Nationalism was revived as socialism in onecountry. The military was reorganized along czarist lines. Conservatism permeated official policy on art,education, and the family. Political repression and terrorreached a height in the 1930s. In a public trial Bukharin,Kamenev, Zinoviev, and others were charged withconspiring to overthrow the regime; they confessed andwere executed. Enormous numbers of ordinary citizensalso fell victim. Stalins foreign policy in the 1930sfocused on efforts to form alliances with Britain andFrance against NAZI Germany; the 1939 Russo-Germannonaggression pact marked the failure of these efforts. In 1941 Stalin took over the premiership fromMOLOTOV. The German invasion (June 22) found himunprepared; at wars end (1945) 20 million Russians weredead (see UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS). At the TEHERAN CONFERENCE and the YALTACONFERENCE Stalin gained Western recognition of aSoviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. Theparanoia of his last years led to a period of terrorreminiscent of the 1930s. On his death (1953) his bodywas placed next to Lenins. In 1956, at the 20th PartyCongress, KHRUSHCHEV denounced Stalins tyranny,but destalinization has never been thoroughgoingBibliography:WolfsonLowe
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
A Critical Evaluation of the Philosophy of Malcolm X
A Critical Evaluation of the Philosophy of Malcolm X Malcolm X, a self-educated [black] Muslim brought essentially two philosophies to the forefront of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.After an introduction to the nation of Islam and Elijah Muhammad while in prison, Malcolm developed a philosophy of independence and freedom for the Black race through racial and national separation. Along with this philosophy came a seemingly deep-set hatred for the white race with him often referring to them as a race of white devils.His philosophy was met with much controversy. The theory of racial and national separation was in direct contrast with the theories of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King's philosophy included non-violent protest and a vision of a raceless society. Although Malcolm's religion was an inherently peaceful one, he believed that if the Negroes were attacked in any way, it would be fine to use force in retaliation. Because of this view, many regarded Malcolm and the rest of the Black Muslims as militant. Martin Luther King leaning on a lectern. Deutsch: ...According to Malcolm, the idea of integration was a futile one. He believed that the American socioeconomic system was unable to give Blacks what they were really looking for"mass class mobility". Also, if integration were to happen, the best the Black race would be able to expect was an entry into the lowest levels of the working class.1 For this reason, he believed that the Negro race should embrace their African-ness and build the race up from within itself; a theory not dissimilar from those of Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey.After a split from the so-called Black Muslim groups, headed by Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm embarked on his pilgrimage to Meccathe Hajj. On his Hajj, Malcolm, or El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, saw a different side of the Islamic religion. What he saw was Islam...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Chatter, Natter, and Patter
Chatter, Natter, and Patter Chatter, Natter, and Patter Chatter, Natter, and Patter By Mark Nichol Three coincidentally rhyming words that all serve as slang to describe idle and extensive talk are discussed in this post. To chatter is to talk quickly and/or casually, though the term also refers to any fast, high-pitched, or clicking sound, such as the involuntary striking of one’s upper and lower teeth in response to cold or fear. One who chatters in the sense of speaking is a chatterer, and the adjectival form is chattery, though both words are rarely used. However, chat is a common verb describing the action of informal conversation and a noun for the act itself, as well as, by extension, a term describing casual online correspondence (or the semblance of such when communicating with a business’s customer-service representative). One prone to chatting is chatty, and chit-chat is reduplicative slang for such a pastime. The pejorative phrase â€Å"chattering classes†was coined to refer to well-educated people who often express their sociopolitical views (other than one’s own); the sense has narrowed somewhat to apply to journalists, politicians, and academicians. The verb natter pertains to long, trivial conversation; in British English, the word is also a noun, but it is not employed as such in American English. Both chatter and natter are onomatopoeic (imitative of talking or other sounds), but patter, which has more nuanced definitions, also has a more complicated origin; it derives from pater, the first word in Latin of the Lord’s Prayer, also known as the Paternoster (â€Å"Our Father†). The often rapid-fire delivery of this prayer at the closing of church services inspired the slang word, which refers to quick speech, but with one of two specific connotations: either the stereotypical hard-sell verbal onslaught of a high-pressure salesperson, or a humorous, almost singsong delivery in light entertainment, such as the tongue-twisting torrents uttered by mid-twentieth-century comedian Danny Kaye or by performers in Gilbert and Sullivan light operas, written during the Victorian era. The near rhyme prattle, derived by way of prate from a Dutch word, is a synonym, as is tattle, though it more often refers to telling secrets or reporting on another’s misdeeds. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"8 Proofreading Tips And TechniquesHow to Style Legislative Terms
Friday, February 14, 2020
Haifa Almansour (director) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Haifa Almansour (director) - Essay Example However, Haifaa is determined to succeed in adopting creative ideas to help in sailing through the challenges (IMDB). Haifaa directs movies that fall into the genres of comedy and drama. Though the movies seek to address some of the issues facing her contemporary society, they portray a feature of romance and drama. The film Wadja that was the first film entirely shot in Saudi Arabia and directed by Haifaa is an example of a drama movie. The drama is expressed in a little girl’s endeavors to overcome taboo in the country in trying to own a bicycle. Her other film Who is also a drama and a comedy. Who entails a woman who dreams of her sister being strangled by a man only to be strangled the following day by a man dressed in a woman’s veil (Abu-Nasr, 2003). Haifaa focuses on addressing issues that face the women in Saudi Arabia and most Islamic States. In her movies, she addresses issues that not many women would dare speak about in real life. In Saudi Arabia, women are oppressed by their customs and tradition. For example, in the movie Wadja, a young girl has the desire to own and ride a green bicycle. However, she cannot buy and ride a bicycle as the actions are considered a taboo in the community. In most countries in the contemporary society, traditions have been abandoned and people are adopting new ones. In Saudi Arabia, however, the traditions hold firm, and these are some of the issues being addressed by Haifaa in her movies (S, 2013). Though not openly, Haifaa’s movies have a trace of feminism. In all her major works, Haifaa addresses the issues of women and the oppressions by the men. In her movies like the Women Without Shadows, Who, Wadja, and The only way out, the main characters are female. However, Haifaa be justified as she might be said to be creating a career and inspiration for women into achieving success like their colleagues in
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment Thought Essay
Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment Thought - Essay Example In the realms of romanticism, a number of examples have helped people to understand the kind of philosophical thought that passes through the minds of characters and people and what changes their minds with respect to the relationships that they share with people around them. In modern day society, such a thought process might have changed but is inherently very similar to the days of yore. When talking about cultural mutation, one can easily witness changes taking place in modern day society with respect to the formation of global economies and socio-cultural scenarios. As compared to the past, in order to depict the growth in thought, one should be able to determine the causes and inferences of the Lutheran Reformation, victory of the usage of empirical methods and statistical data in order to prove scientific methods rather than relying on normative thought processes. (Triki, Rachida) Furthermore, the journey of conversion from the identity of a hero to a saint also finds a very p romising exemplary while discussing the power and established Renaissance Empire during the time of Michelangelo.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Surfing,Media, and the Internet Essay -- Sports Technology Essays
Surfing,Media, and the Internet Surfing is a passion. It is a culture, a life, a disease. With the help of movies such as Endless Summer, Gidget and Beach Party, and tunes like â€Å"Surfin’ Safari†and â€Å"Surfer Girl,†surfing became the fad of the early sixties, and has lasted. Being exposed to the Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon Beach Party movies brought surfing to my immediate attention. I love their cheesy plots and musical numbers, and of course, their portrayal of the surfing lifestyle. After watching Beach Blanket Bingo, I was hooked. Unfortunately, I live hours from a beach, and further from one with decent waves. So my time thus far has been spent discovering my passion through the media. As it is not as popular as say, football or basketball, surfing is not often televised, and never as a competition sport. A few shows, such as California Dreams and The Real World: Hawaii have attempted to capture the lifestyle of the young surfer. When they were still televised, I watched them both religiously. California Dreams was a laid back version of Saved by the Bell, and was from the late 1980s. Surfing was hardly covered though, and usually it would be shown as two guys walking into a restaurant with surfboards in their arms. The Real World: Hawaii also disappointed, with the main purpose of the show being the cast, â€Å"seven strangers picked to live in a house ...†and not the sport which is such a part of Hawaiian culture. They did, however, work for a surf shop in Honolulu, and were thus connected to surfing without actually being in the waves. Bummer. Out of the handful of movies, which have been made about surfing, most of the more popular ones dat e back to the sixties. Endless Summer, Beach... ... N’ Sport. Feb/Mar 2001. 3 Mar. 2001 . 2. Hart, Kahea. Home page. 13 Mar. 2001. 16 Mar. 2001 3. â€Å"Learn to Surf.†Ocean Pit Pacific. 21 Mar 2001 4. Quiksilver. 6 Mar. 2001 . 5. Seven Shores Australia. 19 Mar. 2001 . 6. Slater, Evan. â€Å"Me, Myself and iMac.†Swell. 14 Mar. 2001. 18 Mar. 2001 . 7. Surfer Magazine. Vol. 42 No. 5 May 2001. 7 Mar. 2001 8. â€Å"Tapping the Sources.†Swell. 19 Mar 2001 9. Tavarua. 6 Mar. 2001
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Ethical issues in international business Essay
Many of the ethical issues and dilemmas in international business are rooted in the fact that political systems, law, economic development, and culture vary significantly from Nation to nation. Consequently, what is considered normal practice in one nation may be considered unethical in others. Because they work for an institution that transcends National borders and cultures, managers in a multinational firm need to be particularly sensitive to these differences and able to choose the ethical action in those circumstances where variation across societies creates the potential for ethical problems. In the international business setting, the most common ethical issues involve employment practices, Human rights, environmental regulations, corruption, and the moral obligation of multinational Corporations. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES As we saw in the opening case, ethical issues may be associated with employment practices in other nations. When work conditions in a host nation are clearly inferior to those in a multinational’s home nation, what standards should be applied? Those of the home nation, those of the host nation, or something in between? While few would suggest that pay and work conditions should be the same across nations, how much divergence is acceptable? For example, while 12-hour workdays, extremely low pay, and a failure to protect workers against toxic chemicals may be common in some developing nations, does this mean that it is OK for a multinational to tolerate such working conditions in its subsidiaries there, or to condone it by using local subcontractors? HUMAN RIGHTS Beyond employment issues, questions of human rights can arise in international business. Basic human rights still are not respected in many nations. Rights that we take for granted in developed nations, such as freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, freedom from political repression, and so on, are by no means universally accepted. One of the most obvious examples was South Africa during the days of white rule and apartheid, which did not end until 1994. Among other things, the apartheid system denied basic political rights to the majority nonwhite population of South Africa, mandated segregation between whites and nonwhites, reserved certain occupations exclusively for whites, and prohibited blacks from being placed in positions where they would manage whites. Despite the odious nature of this system, Western businesses operated in South Africa. By the 1980s, however, many questioned the ethics of doing so. They argued that inward investment by foreign multinationals, by boosting the South African economy, supported the repressive apartheid regime. MORAL OBLIGATIONS Multinational corporations have power that comes from their control over resources and their ability to move production from country to country. Although that power is constrained not only by laws and regulations, but also by the discipline of the market and the competitive process, it is nevertheless substantial. Some moral philosophers argue that with power comes the social responsibility for multinationals to give something back to the societies that enable them to prosper and grow. The concept of social responsibility refers to the idea that businesspeople should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions, and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences. In its purest form, social responsibility can be supported for its own sake simply because it is the right way for a business to behave. Advocates of this approach argue that businesses, particularly large successful businesses, need to recognize their noblesse oblige and give something back to the societies that have made their success possible. Noblesse oblige is a French term that refers to honorable and benevolent behavior considered the responsibility of people of high (noble) birth. In a business setting, it is taken to mean benevolent behavior that is the responsibility of successful enterprises. This has long been recognized by many businesspeople, resulting in a substantial and venerable history of corporate giving to society and in businesses making social investments designed to enhance the welfare of the communities in which they operate. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES †¢Work conditions: hot weather – around toxic chemicals – number of hours and pay salaries in developing countries. †¢HUMAN RIGHTS †¢Freedom is not universally accepted. South Africa white rule until 1994 – investment in China – Nigeria and Shell ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION †¢The emission of pollutants, the dumping of toxic chemicals †¢Amoral management might move production to a developing nation precisely because costly pollution controls are not required. †¢No one owns the atmosphere or the oceans, but polluting both, no matter where the pollution originates, harms all CORRUPTION †¢Economic advantages by making payments to corrupted government officials. †¢$12.5 million payment to Japanese agents and government officials †¢MORAL OBLIGATIONS †¢BP, one of oil companies, has made â€Å"social investments†in Algeria, the desert town of Salah. it built two desalination plants to provide drinking water for the local †¢Ethical Dilemmas †¢In a poor nation, a 12-yearold girl works in a factory. Philosophical Approaches to Ethics STRAW MEN –The Friedman Doctrine –Cultural Relativism –The Righteous Moralist –The Naive Immoralist Asserts that if a manager of a multinational sees that firms from other nations are not following ethical norms in a host nation, that manager should not either UTILITARIAN AND KANTIAN ETHICS Utilitarian approaches to ethics: the moral worth of actions or practices is determined by their consequences. Utilitarianism is committed to the maximization of good and the minimization of harm. Kantian ethics are based on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). Kantian ethics hold that people should be treated as ends and never purely as means to the ends of others. People are not instruments, like a machine. People have dignity and need to be respected as such Ethical Dilemmas The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation toward employment conditions, human rights, corruption, environmental pollution, and the use of power are not always clear cut. There may be no agreement about accepted ethical principles. From an international business perspective, some argue that what is ethical depends upon one’s cultural perspective.18 In the United States, it is considered acceptable to execute murderers, but in many cultures this is not acceptableâ€â€execution is viewed as an affront to human dignity and the death penalty is outlawed. Many Americans find this attitude very strange, but many Europeans find the American approach barbaric. For a more business-oriented example, consider the practice of â€Å"gift giving†between the parties to a business negotiation. While this is considered right and proper behavior in many Asian cultures, some Westerners view the practice as a form of bribery, and therefore unethical, particularly if the gifts are substantial. Bribery in International Business Transnational bribery consists in offering or giving of money, valuable goods or other benefits as favors, promises or advantages to foreign government’s official for procuring that official do or omit any action addressed to influence on economic or business transaction which has relationship with his public function.†Most countries have in their domestic law stipulation that it is an offence to bribe their own public officials. Notwithstanding, only in the Interamerican Convention Against Corruption, in 1996, and in the OECD Convention, in 1997, did nations assume the commitment to punish bribery of foreign officials. The point here is that until recently, it was against the law to bribe people in your own country, but there was nothing in Canadian law to make it illegal to bribe someone in another country – the only thing that stops you from bribing someone else in another country is the bad publicity you may receive if you are caught, and the media find out. Why do we care about bribery – is it not a â€Å"victimless crime†– actually, there are severe consequences. â€Å"In the early 1990s, scandals involving extortion and bribery were a significant factor in toppling governments in many parts of the world. This situation, if allowed to continue, could undermine the most promising development of the post Cold-war era, i.e., the spread of democratic governments and of market economies worldwide.†Ethical Dilemmas and Social Responsibility There are a number of examples we can look at to discuss ethical topics in International Business management – we will consider the case of †¢a mining company in the Sudan †¢an engineering firm in Lesotho †¢Being in a leadership position, as mining and exploration grows worldwide, has put companies in an economically advantageous situation. This success in mining has helped economies, but the increasingly risky and challenging locations in which mining companies operate, create situations which necessarily include dealing with contentious ethical issues. Ethics, as effected by the Environment The circumstances which effect Ethical considerations in the new millennium are circumstances caused by drastic changes in the; †¢Competitive environment which is causing companies to make decisions in a global context and resulting in actions which sometimes negatively effect their employees or customers †¢Political environment (regional, national and international) and the consequent laws and regulations that are established †¢Social-Cultural environment which has been influenced by immigration patterns worldwide and a continued movement of populations from rural to urban areas †¢Technological environment which has effected communications regionally and globally and also effected the work environment and productivity †¢Economic environment which sees currency fluctuations and international NGO’s like the IMF and World Bank playing a more significant role in national and regional economies. †¢Stress to maintain corporate economic competitiveness also influences corporate objectives and has consequences for consumer priorities. Approaches to Social Responsibility A number of textbooks and websites discuss Social Responsibility, in the context of how companies are behaving ethically, in terms of Four general approaches †¢Obstructionist Stance †¢Defensive Stance †¢Accommodative Stance †¢Proactive Stance †¢Obstructionist Stance oWhen a company places barriers to customers complaining about ethical situations, or makes it difficult for ethical circumstances to be resolved. Companies typically do this by requiring customers to fill out forms, or have certain versions of receipts or go through particular processes. Of they can make it difficult to get action from a complaint by taking to long to reply, or having no specific information on how to complain, or to whom. †¢Defensive Stance oWhen a company avoids blame, or says â€Å"it wasn’t our fault†, or tries to make the customer belief nothing can be done at all. Sometimes managers insist their job is to make money for the company and anything that takes away from that objectives is not important. Companies are also defensive when they say â€Å"we are obeying the law†to the exact letter, and not taking into account â€Å"fairness†or being compassionate†– some recent examples include situations where travel agencies and airlines go bankrupt and leave vacationing people stranded overseas. †¢Accommodative Stance oFirms who not only meet the standards expected, but go further, often receive the reward of repeat customer purchases and good PR which helps in branding in a competitive environment. Some examples include companies allowing customers to exchange items for products that are not exactly the same, but similar, or allowing customers to return items for warranty even if they do not have the original receipt. †¢Proactive Stance oWhen companies reach out to customers to tell them, in advance, some information they need – such as letting a customer know a warranty period may expire several weeks in advance, or that a product will soon be withdrawn so they have the option to buy spare parts. Preface to 1999 Edition of ICC Rules of Contract. ICC is extremely pleased to note that the â€Å"1996 revisions to the ICC rules were punished; substantial progress has been made in addressing extortion and bribery in international business transactions. Most importantly the OECD, â€Å"Convention in Combating bribery of foreign public officials â€Å"(hereafter called the OECD Convention.)Was signed by 34 countries in Paris in Dec 17, 1997 and entered into force on Feb 1999. The OECD has established a monitoring programming to assure effective and consistent implementation and enforcement of the convention. The monitoring programme also concerns the compliance with the â€Å"revised OECD Recommendations†, which among other subjects, urges the OECD member countries to disallow tax deductibility of bribes to foreign public officials. International price fixing Diamonds DeBeers, a giant South African diamond supplier, which has vertical and horizontal monopoly over much of the diamond mining and diamond distribution industry, has agreed to 1/4 of a billion dollars ($250 M) to settle an outstanding lawsuit in the U.S. Many years ago, DeBeers was sued by American jewellery retailers, manufactures, and other people in the business, who claimed that DeBeers had been guilty of fixing prices – thus artificially inflating the price of diamonds and diamond jewellery. DeBeers did not settle this giant lawsuit – instead, they avoided it by refusing to do direct business in the U.S. Now that the U.S. diamond market has become very large (55% of global retail sales), DeBeers wants into the U.S. again and in order to do that they agreed to settle this old lawsuit. The U.S. judge reviewing the case approved the conditions based on DeBeers agreeing to comply with U.S. anti-trust laws. This lawsuit settlement follows an action in 2004 in which DeBeers pleaded guilty to fixing prices of industrial diamonds and agreed to a $10 M USD fine International Company and Ethics The issue of business ethics is engaging companies more and more – both domestically and internationally. This trend is accentuated by high-profile examples of breaches of accepted standards of ethical behavior. For example, the recent Enron case where inadequate checks and balances within the firm enabled unethical behavior to occur, a development made easier by the failure of the external auditor to fulfill its role properly. Assumptions about ethics and business are influenced inevitably by fundamental beliefs about the role of business in society. On the one hand, there are those who believe that the sole social responsibility of business is to generate profit. For some proponents of this view, profit generation itself takes on a moral dimension whereas others see profits as the key to wealth generation – the main way of addressing social issues (Davies, 1997, p. 88). On the other hand, others believe that the role of business is much broader than that of profit generation and that all those who are affected by the way a company operates – shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, future generations (especially in relation to environmental issues) – have a legitimate interest and stake in the way a company conducts itself. Levi Strauss is one of the world’s largest brand-name clothes manufacturers and also one of the first international companies to adopt a corporate code of conduct to apply to all contractors who manufacture and finish its products and to aid selection of which countries in which to operate (DeGeorge, 1993, p. 118). The Code of Conduct has two parts. 1. Business partner terms of engagement: Levi Strauss uses these to select business partners that follow workplace standards and practices consistent with its policies and to help identify potential problems. In addition to meeting acceptable general ethical standards, complying with all legal requirements and sharing Levi Strauss’s commitment to the environment and community involvement, Levi Strauss’s business partners must adhere to the following employment guidelines: †¢Wages and benefits: business partners must comply with any applicable law and the prevailing manufacturing and finishing industry practices. †¢Working hours: partners must respect local legal limits on working hours and preference will be given to those who operate less than a 60-hour working week. Levi Strauss will not use partners that regularly require workers to work in excess of 60 hours. Employees should also have at least one day off per week. †¢Child labor: use of child labor is not permissible in any of the facilities of the business partner. Workers must not be below 15 years of age or below the compulsory school age. †¢Disciplinary practices: Levi Strauss will not use business partners who use corporal punishment or other forms of physical or mental coercion. †¢Prison/forced labor: no prison or forced labor is to be used by business †¢Discrimination: while respecting cultural differences, Levi Strauss believes workers should be employed on the basis of their ability to do their job †¢Health and safety: Levi Strauss undertakes to use business partners who provide a safe and healthy working environment and, where appropriate residential facilities 2. Country assessment guidelines: these are used to address broad issues beyond the control of individual business and are intended to help Levi Strauss assess the degree to which its global reputation and success may be exposed to unreasonable risk. It was an adverse country assessment that caused Levi Strauss to cease its engagement in China in the early 1990s, largely on human rights grounds – a decision that has subsequently been reversed. In particular, the company assesses whether: †¢the brand image will be adversely affected by the perception or image of a country among customers; †¢the health and safety of employees and their families will be exposed to unreasonable risk; †¢the human rights environment prevents the company from conducting business activities in a manner consistent with the global guidelines and other company policies; †¢the legal system prevents the company from adequately protecting trademarks, investments or other commercial Interests; Levi Strauss is the example of the company that successfully combines doing business and following ethical practices. The political, economic and social environment protects the company’s commercial interests and brand corporate image.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Assignment Case Study DG - 1277 Words
GE2231 Case Study What Luxury Brands Should Learn From Dolce amp; Gabbana s Hong Kong PR Disaster One of the biggest stories of this past weekend in Hong Kong was a massive, Facebook-organized protest of the Italian fashion house Dolce amp; Gabbana, after a security guard prevented locals from taking photographs outside of its flagship store in Tsim Sha Tsui. Checking into the story, a photographer from the Apple Daily reported on January 5, 2012 that he was told by a security guard that only mainland Chinese or foreign tourists were allowed to take photos outside the store, with another guard allegedly threatening to break his camera. Within hours, the story had set off a firestorm of criticism in the city, with angry Hong Kong†¦show more content†¦The brand’s overt focus on the mainland China market in recent months  it plans to open around 30 stores in the country within the next two to three years  and perceived kowtowing to wealthy mainland Chinese tourists at its Hong Kong locations has become a simmering issue in the former British colony, and this most recent incident has only made the situation worse. So what can luxury brands learn from the (ongoing) Damp;G saga in Hong Kong? First off, despite the importance of Hong Kong as a key market to benefit from growing mainland Chinese tourism, being perceived as â€Å"playing favorites†to the detriment of locals should be avoided at all costs. Recently, racy photo-spreads in Beijing and rosy talk of their love for cities like Shanghai and Hangzhou by owners Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, and rumors in the Hong Kong press about mainland Chinese officials throwing their influence around at luxury boutiques only serves to stir the pot further. Another important thing for brands to remember in Hong Kong is that the city’s more open press and Internet vis-a-vis the Mainland, and wide rate of English-language fluency, allows for PR issues to spread (arguably) more quickly and (certainly) more globally than they wouldShow MoreRelatedCase Study 2: Southwestern University a (Pp. 94-95).1037 Words  | 5 PagesOperations Analysis Week 7 Case Study 2: Southwestern University A (pp. 94-95). 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